Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Who is already capitalizing on Web 3.0?

As we started discovering what Web 3.0 meant and what the “Internet of things” means, we couldn’t help to wonder how this can be applied within a Business context? Or who is actually profiting from this new developments? Our research took us all over the Web… Well, not entirely but it certainly felt like it! Finally, we came across an interesting product by IBM called “MesssageSight”.  According to IBM, MessageSight “a full featured messaging appliance specifically designed for machine to machine (m2m) and mobile environments. Optimized for message throughput, MessageSight extends messaging networks outside the datacenter, scaling to handle concurrent connectivity between a multitude of devices and applications with predictable latency.”

You can checkout more on the product description at
But lets take a look at what other bloggers/industry specialists are saying about the product. InfoWorld offers a very optimistic perspective when it says that MessageSight will help “orchestrate the “Internet of things””. However, I personally agree more with what CMS says in their review in which the consider MessageSight as a “cornerstone of Mobile “Internet of things””. The key word here is MOBILE. 

Just like CMS and considering the decline in the PC market and the growth of the Mobile device market (Smart phones and tablets), I too believe that in the future the vast majority of data created will come from Mobile devices. Hence, IBM MessageSight will not “orchestrate” the “Internet of things” but instead act as key component of the suite of solutions that companies will incorporate to master Web 3.0. 

Finally, our opinion has been confirmed by IBM as it has created the MobileFirst portfolio of solutions and MessageSight is just one of the key components of it. 

So remember this: MessageSight is an awesome tool but it is not the answer to mastering Web 3.0. The “Internet of things” is just getting started, don’t try to master it without knowing what it is exactly yet…